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Footsie Babes - Janice Griffith (Office Mischief)

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NFOView NFO (0.52 KB)
GenreClips, Teen, Straight
Last seederLast active 2517d 00:57:00
Size811.36 MB (850,770,459 bytes)
Rating: 4.4 / 5 (4.4 from possible 5 with 5 vote(s) total)        (Login to rate it)
Added2014-03-09 10:58:44
Info:Hits:  1919 times
1 seeder(s), 2 leecher(s) = 3 peer(s)

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# brankozx (Супер потребител) at 2014-03-09 11:47:35 GMT- Quote Personal message Top
Ето ви малко информация за това коте

Janice Griffith Quick Bio Info

Babe Name: Janice Griffith
Aliases:Unknown (add)
Date of Birth:July 3, 1995 (18 years old)
Place of Birth:Unknown (add)
Country of Origin:United States
Career Status:Active Eye
Color:BrownHair Color:
Fake Boobs:No
Piercings:Right nostril; both hips; navel
Tattoos:Writing under left breast ("Fight off your demons";); flower on left side by hip; anchor on right side; Pok&#233;mon on left ankle; Deathly Hallows symbol on right thumb; crescent moon on right pinky finger

Last edited by brankozx at 2014-03-09 12:23:05 GMT

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